Green Lane Woodland Complex, including Green Lane Wood and Biss Wood
This ancient woodland in Trowbridge was given to us in 1991. The wood connects with our Biss Wood nature reserve and the Green Lane Nature Park.
This ancient woodland in Trowbridge was given to us in 1991. The wood connects with our Biss Wood nature reserve and the Green Lane Nature Park.
A great walk with stunning views in the village of Wroughton.
Full of interesting wildlife and history. You can walk into surrounding wildflower meadows for a contrasting experience.
Part of a large woodland complex on the River Avon and Kennet & Avon Canal.
A fen, made up of wet woodland, ponds and wet grassland.
This nature reserve in Calne has seen many transformations in its history since it was farmland.
Look for the wood warbler singing from the canopy of oak woodlands in the north and west of the UK. Green above, it has a distinctive, bright yellow throat and eyestripe.