Bechsteins Bat Appeal

My Donation


Thank you for making a donation to support our work enhancing habitat for bats. 

Every donation will go towards the securing funding to deliver habitat enhancements for our rare species. 

My details

Keep in touch!

Are you a Wiltshire Wildlife Trust member?

In addition to providing information to you relating to your Wiltshire Wildlife Trust membership, we would love to keep in touch with you by email and/or telephone. This way, we can let you know about the impact your support is having on our work, as well as other ways you can get involved.

If you have already told us how you would like us to contact you, please tick 'no change'.


We would love to keep in touch with you, to let you know about the impact of your support.

I would like Wiltshire Wildlife Trust to keep in touch with me by:


You can update the way you hear from us at any time by contacting our Membership Team on either 01234567890 or 

We promise to protect your personal data, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

We record basic data about your donation so we can show the amount of money raised by our supporters.
Your comment will display on the appeal page or you can tick the option to remain anonymous.

Payment details

Please enter your card details.

Thank you for your support for Bechsteins bats

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