Team Wilder
Research shows that if just one person in every four takes up a cause, this can be enough to change the minds and behaviour of the majority. If a quarter of Wiltshire's population took action for nature, imagine the difference this could make to nature's recovery. We are calling this movement #TeamWilder.
Governments, businesses, organisations and individuals around the world can all take action, by working with and for nature. See below for examples of these actions.
Map your wild actions
Combining our individual actions can create positive changes in the wildlife around us. Take a look at the map below to see how people in Wiltshire are helping wildlife return. Put your actions on the map and become part of Team Wilder.
Team Wilder stories
Embrace the Magic of Nature this Christmas with #12DaysWild
Embrace the Magic of Nature this Christmas with #12DaysWild
Save our chalk streams
With less than a fifth of England’s rivers in good health, we need the Government to deliver comprehensive protections for our unique…
5 things you can do to help swifts
Swifts are faithful to their nesting sites and are only here 3 months of the year - here's how you can help them.
Stacey's gardening journey
Discover how Stacey began her gardening journey and how living sustainably has improved her mental well-being.
Giving Mother Nature a helping hand
Brian from Lockeridge has transformed a three-acre field into a wildflower meadow.
A Wilder Farm Project
Orchards, ponds, trees and bees reveal the joys of habitat creation on a local sheep farm.
How to set up a community group
Further advice and resources

Jon Hawkins - Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Wilder gardens
How to turn your local green space into a haven for nature.

Queen White-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) feeding on Yellow tree peony (Paeonia ludlowii) flower in Wiltshire garden, with Clematis covered house in the background, UK, April. - Nick Upton/2020VISION

School activity

Adult female peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in flight over a road in the avon gorge, bristol, united kingdom, spring - Bertie Gregory/2020VISION

WildNet - Jamie Hall

Volunteers preparing the ground at Coombe Bissett Down - Melanie Evans