Young Ambassadors
We believe that young people should have an opportunity to have their say and get involved by improving their connections to nature.
Wiltshire's Young Ambassadors
Izzy Fry
I’m a 18 year old aspiring wildlife conservationist living in the South West of Wiltshire! I have always had a passion for wildlife and the natural world and it is an interest that I hope to pursue as a future career path.
I get involved with lots of of different volunteering for various places including bird ringing for the BTO, working at my local wildlife hospital once a week and also co-founding a local group called Young Nature Watch where we put on monthly events and activities to get more young people involved in local conservation.
One of my main aims is to encourage an interest in this field in more young people, and as well as Young Nature Watch, I work to do this by sharing all of my photos and experiences on my social media pages and blog to educate people about wildlife and show them how amazing it is!
Charlie Murphy
I'm a 19 year-old studying Conservation Biology and Ecology at the University of Exeter, but Wiltshire born and bred and a proud Young Ambassador for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.
Looking at birds is my passion, but as part of this I feel it is vital that both birds and all wildlife is to be celebrated, shared equally and increasingly protected and used to drive positive change. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is a champion of these and being an ambassador has allowed me to not only share my passion for nature, but also meet some fantastic other young people in Wiltshire who care equally as much about wildlife. The inclusivity and diversity of people in the conservation field is vital and can help progress the protection in a much more positive manner, so I hope I can help engage as wide a variety of people as possible.
I hope that I can progress myself into helping both people and business into being as engaged in wildlife and the sustainability of the planet as this is a matter that is vital and becoming increasingly important.
Katie O'Grady
I’m 18 and currently taking my A Levels, with the hope to study zoology at university. Having grown up around nature and surrounded by a multitude of animals at home I have developed an enormous passion for conservation, and I cannot wait to start a career in the field.
I am particularly interested in ways in which local conservation efforts and reintroductions can help to reduce the impacts of climate change. I explored this during my EPQ – which was focussed on the reintroduction of Keystone species (mainly the Eurasian beaver). This spurred my growing enthusiasm around the subject.
Being a Wiltshire Wildlife Trust young ambassador has given me experiences which I could have not fathomed. It has not only connected me with people who have similar interests, but it also enables me to share my passion. I am excited to continue working with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and seeing what other opportunities may arise!
Sam Lewis
I am a 16 year old aspiring wildlife conservationist, based in Salisbury. I am studying three A levels which are Biology, Geography and Environmental Science. In the future I am looking at studying a conservation related degree at university.
I love being outside in nature, which was sparked from a young age when I had the opportunity to take part in forest school. Being out in nature I have been increasingly aware of human’s impact on the environment from things like litter to path erosion to greenfield housing development.
I am proud to be given the opportunity to be a young ambassador. I am excited to be able to help protect and care for our environment myself and encourage other young people to experience nature themselves so that they can also recognise the need for protecting the environment.
Mary Gilfillan
I’m 17 from Salisbury. I am really passionate about wildlife and hope to study veterinary medicine in the future.
I’m a very outdoorsy person and love to go hiking and be surrounded by nature; preserving/restoring these places for future generations is absolutely vital as everyone should have access to them.
Being a young ambassador for Wiltshire is really important to me, as I’m passionate in helping conserve wildlife out on my doorstep and engaging other young people with nature. I hope to be able to represent young people in conservation through being a young ambassador and protect our wild places.
Chris Bailey
I am a 21 year old passionate wildlife lover and aspiring wildlife conservationist living within the North East of Wiltshire. I have been passionate about all thing’s wildlife from a very young age, and it is something that I hope to pursue as a career throughout my life.
All parts of the natural world and all wildlife appeal to me, although I do have a huge love for reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates which I feel are often misunderstood. The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust has been absolutely magnificent in giving me the chance and the platform to share my knowledge with those around me and also with the future generation on how we can protect and conserve our natural world for years and years to come.
As someone born with a speech impediment and a discomfort with public speaking, it is my desire to overcome these fears in order to help inspire those who also have the impediments or conditions to not feel ashamed about them, and to spread their knowledge and passion with everyone. I am excited to continue working with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and to protect our local ecosystems and the natural world beyond our county borders.
Laura D'Ambrosio
I am 17 years old and an A level student from Trowbridge. I hope to continue my studies in environmental science in university and pursue a career in the field in the future.
I have always loved being outdoors and have a passion for animals. I often hike or just take a walk through nature reserves and try to photograph different species of plants, animals and especially fungi that I haven’t seen before. This allows me to learn more about my local nature and wildlife, as well as just enjoying the peacefulness and beauty of the outdoors.
I am very proud to be a young ambassador for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, as I can help and learn how to preserve these remarkable natural spaces and our precious biodiversity and get more people involved and excited about our local wildlife.
Ebony Last
I am a 20 year old Landscape Architecture (BA Hons) Student at the University Of Gloucestershire, living in Pewsey.
Having previously studied Horticulture and Countryside management and Conservation at college. My main hobbies are chasing butterflies and exploring nature reserves and woodlands with my dog Twiglet.
My family has always had green roots, with my dad being an experienced and knowledgeable horticulturist and my grandad an avid birder who’s spent his life studying them.
I truly believe the memories I made with them as a child has shaped who I am today.
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a young ambassador for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, and am excited to help out at reserves and promote the organisation.
Other Young Ambassadors in Wiltshire:
Kody Bowler
Dan Tubb
Louisa May
Honey Owen
Chris Wardell
Chloe Brunsdon
Want to be a Young Ambassador? Contact