One month to go!

One month to go!

With just one month to go until the general election, actions taken by the next government will be crucial.

One month to go until arguably the most important General Election there has ever been for nature and for the climate. Actions taken by the next government will be crucial in delivering on national and international targets for nature and tackling climate change by 2030. It is internationally recognised that this is the critical decade for setting us on a nature-positive track for Net Zero.

We surveyed the views of young people who will be most impacted by decisions taken and not taken that affect the climate and nature over the next few years, yet are too young to vote. The responses we received clearly showed how much young people care, think and worry about nature and the climate.

In our Manifesto for Nature, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust calls on Wiltshire and Swindon’s next elected MPs to respond by using their influence locally and in Parliament to back five key priorities:

1. Bring back Wiltshire’s wildlife

One in six species is at risk of extinction in the UK. Wiltshire is no exception. Our research has revealed 132 species that urgently need help in Wiltshire, including lapwings and water voles. To reverse nature’s decline, 30% of land should be actively managed for nature by 2030, which is double the level in Wiltshire at present.

2. Fund wildlife-friendly farming

Wiltshire is a farming county; 80% of our land is farmed. Nature-friendly farmers hold the key to restoring nature’s abundance and they need support, especially from government. Many farmers and land managers have gone to great lengths to support wildlife but without being adequately rewarded.

3. Protect Wiltshire’s chalk streams

Our globally important chalk streams – lifelines for species such as otters and brown trout - are particularly vulnerable to pollution, especially when it gets concentrated when water levels are low in summer. New protection needs to be introduced for all chalk streams from the threats of over-abstraction and pollution, and there needs to be investment in nature-based solutions, such as wetland restoration alongside soil-friendly regenerative farming.

4. Enable healthy, thriving communities in Wiltshire & Swindon

We are living through a mental health crisis. The NHS is not resourced to meet the burgeoning demand for mental health care. Nature experiences are proven to improve health and wellbeing, so it is important to fund an increase in the provision of local wellbeing services, such as ecotherapy and green prescribing.

5. Tackle the climate emergency

Climate change is affecting all wildlife and people. 2023 was the hottest year on record. Nature, livelihoods, food and water sources are all at risk from flooding, drought and extremes of climate right here in Wiltshire. There needs to be investment in nature-based solutions, which can not only help prevent spiralling costs from flooding, river pollution and climate change, they will also help enhance our beautiful county and the wellbeing of all who call it home.

We can all be proud of Wiltshire’s precious chalkstreams and stunning wildlflower meadows, but much-loved species like water voles and lapwing and dormice are being lost at an alarming rate. Wiltshire is a farming county and nature-friendly farmers hold the key to reversing nature’s decline. Our next elected MPs must ensure they have the reward they deserve.

We’re asking all who care about Wiltshire and its wildlife - and the legacy we are leaving to young people - to:

  • Consider the parties’ and the candidates’ stances on these 5 issues when you are thinking about casting your vote in the General Election on 4th July.
  • Join us at the Restore Nature Now march in Central London on 22 June.

We'll see you there!