Great Crested Newt Ponds
The Water Team are working with the Wild Landscapes Team to create Great Crested Newt (GCN) ponds under Natural England's District Level Licensing (DLL) scheme.
The scheme aims to mitigate the loss of GCN habitat as a result of development by providing suitable, joined up habitat elsewhere, that will be managed and monitored for at least the next 25 years. The creation of ponds is 100% funded by developers buying into the GCN DLL scheme.
Under the scheme ponds can be created or restored but need to fit a set of criteria to be suitable to support GCN. Watch the video or see below to find out more:
Great Crested Newt Ponds project (https://youtu.be/FiFtu8p6xOg)
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Ponds eligible for restoration must be:
- Overgrown with scrub and/or trees
- Dominated by reed species or with minimal water
- Heavily sedimented
- Located close to suitable terrestrial habitat and within NE's mapped opportunity areas
- Empty of invasive species and large wildfowl or fish populations
New or restored ponds need to be designed with the following criteria:
- Minimum surface area of 150m2
- Maximum central depth of 1-2.5m
- Hold water at least 1 summer in 3
- Buffer zone of at least 3m with livestock excluded
- Absence of fish
- Absence or low density of waterfowl
- Minimal agricultural run-off
Are you looking to create a pond or think you might have a pond suitable for restoration? We can help advise whether you site is suitable and the best location and design for ponds to support Great Crested Newts. Get in touch to find out more via water@wiltshirewildlife.org