Nature Reserve Visitor Survey

WildNet - Amy Lewis

Nature Reserve Visitor Survey

Thank you for visiting one of our 42 nature reserves recently. We value your feedback to help us improve your experience. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey (3 mins average completion time).

About Your Visit:

3. How did you hear about this nature reserve? (Check all that apply)
4. Was this your first visit to this nature reserve?
5. How often do you visit a Wiltshire Wildlife nature reserve?
6. Who are you visiting with today? (Check all that apply)
7. Please let us know the ages of the people in your group (select all that apply)

Your Experience:

1. How would you rate your overall experience at the nature reserve?
3. Did you visit a café?
If yes, please rate your experience:
5. Would you recommend this nature reserve to others?

Getting Involved:

Are you interested in supporting Wiltshire Wildlife Trust further? (Check all that apply)

Additional Feedback:

Thank you for your time and feedback!