New workplace wellbeing programme gets funding to help people experiencing poor mental health

New workplace wellbeing programme gets funding to help people experiencing poor mental health

We have received funding to launch a workplace wellbeing programme!

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust has announced that it will receive funding to launch a workplace wellbeing programme this year, designed to help people experiencing poor mental health who are struggling at work. The Trust will receive £36,035 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, secured through Wiltshire Council.

The new ‘Wild Workplaces’ programme will be unique in offering mental health awareness and early intervention sessions for a broad range of employers within Wiltshire, including small businesses and sole traders, using a nature-based approach.

The programme will kick off in July with a series of wellbeing taster days across the county, with the first couple of sessions offered in Chippenham and Trowbridge. These taster days will be open to employers and employees and will highlight the opportunities available to provide mental health support whilst giving an overview of key mental health and wellbeing concerns within the workplace. Outdoor activities will be incorporated to showcase the extraordinary benefits of nature to help improve wellbeing in the workplace.

The Trust will then deliver Mental Health First Aid training over the following months, where employers will be able to register employees on a course so that at least a single employee can spot the signs of mental health issues and provide support to co-workers.

This will be followed by free, bespoke six-week packages of wellbeing support tailored for selected organisations, with the long-term aim of sustaining employment for staff at risk of not being able to work due to poor mental health. These packages will aim to enhance preventative and early intervention activities specific to the needs of employees at each company.

We are hugely grateful to Wiltshire Council for the funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which has given us the opportunity to extend our programme of wellbeing support into workplaces. By integrating nature-based practices with tailored wellbeing support, we aim to empower workplaces to prioritise mental health, and to promote resilient and healthier workforces.
Imogen Jackson
Wellbeing Programmes Leader at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

The Trust is calling on employers and employees in Wiltshire to register interest in attending the upcoming Wild Workplaces taster days, be the first to book when dates are available and find out more about the programme. To register interest, visit:


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Funded by UK Government