Vincients Wood nature reserve in Wiltshire. Credit: Owain Shaw
Vincients Wood
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Spring and summer. Nearby attractions include Malmesbury Abbey (9 miles), Bath Abbey and Roman Baths (10 miles), Westonbirt National Arbortum (11 miles).About the reserve
Vincients Wood is a semi-natural broadleaved woodland on the western edge of Chippenham. A permissive route around the site crosses a medieval woodbank that divides the wood in two.
Parts of the reserve are ancient woodland, which means they have been continuously wooded since at least 1600AD, although some trees have historically been felled for timber.
Following the necessary removal of ash trees infected with Ash Dieback disease in 2023, a mix of native trees including English oak, wild cherry and rowan, were replanted. A large glade and pond were also created to enhance the woodland habitat for wildlife.
In spring, wood anemones and bluebells blossom. Other ancient woodland indicators include bugle, enchanter’s nightshade and the ragged, imperfect flowers of the goldilocks buttercup. Comma, holly blue, peacock and speckled wood butterflies live here. Listen for the great spotted woodpecker drumming on tree trunks; other birds such as the blackcap, nuthatch, goldcrest and long-tailed tits prefer the sunny edges of the glades and rides.
Vincients Wood has a damp interior, where you may find many different varieties of fungi and plants. To provide good habitat for invertebrates and fungi we have left some felled timber on the woodland floor. A small number of ash trees with potential bat roost features were not felled. These will be monitored in the future and monolithed to create standing dead-wood features.
Contact us
Ash dieback update
We have been delighted to hear from many local people how much enthusiasm there is for returning to Vincients Wood. We are pleased to confirm that the safety, restoration and reinstatement work, necessitated by a large number of trees infected with Ash Dieback disease, is now finished and the nature reserve has now reopened.
We sincerely apologise for the extended delay to reopening the wood to the public, which was caused by the continuous wet weather we have experienced over the past year. The nature of this reserve is that it takes a long time to dry out and for the ground to firm up appreciably to allow machinery to enter the woodland safely. The ground conditions were also unavoidably exacerbated by the works to remove dangerous ash trees and subsequent reinstatement.
The work needed to finish the reinstatement included tree planting to replace the ash with a mix of appropriate native tree species as well as path reinstatement and entranceway/fencing restoration work.
In addition to our extensive tree planting programme, we have made some significant habitat improvements including the creation of a glade and a pond. Some of the felled wood has also been used to create deadwood habitat for invertebrates.
Visit our Ash Dieback page to learn more about our approach towards Ash Dieback, which is affecting our woodland reserves.
If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at comms@wiltshirewildlife.org.
Map of Vincients Wood

Love this hidden gem! Great for the children to roam around, explore and have many imaginative adventures.
Great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life for an hour or so. Plenty of wildlife to watch
A great place for a woody walk with kids or the dog. You can enter at any of the entrances and complete a loop taking about 20 mins or go down any of the smaller paths if you fancy an explore. Seems to always be muddy unless in summer so wear wellies!

Volunteer, Aline Denton, cuts brambles and blackthorn as part of the farm's conservation management - Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION