Water Quality Testing of the Bristol Avon in Wiltshire

Bristol Avon

Water Quality Testing of the Bristol Avon in Wiltshire

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s Water Team are working in partnership with Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) to deliver a water quality citizen science testing programme in Wiltshire as part of BART’s RiverHub initiative. 

Citizen science refers to public participation in scientific research. 

For us at WWT this involves engaging with our existing Water Guardians in the Bristol Avon catchment to equip them with the skills and tools to test the water quality of their local river for things such as phosphates, nitrates and temperature, then feeding the data into an online database covering the whole catchment. This data will be publicly available via the RiverHub portal. 

Water Guardians will be trained in water quality testing and be given all the testing equipment needed. 

BART are being funded by Wessex Water to deliver this citizen science project and WWT are working in partnership with BART to deliver the project in Wiltshire due to our existing volunteer network of Water Guardians.

Any questions please contact Oonagh at Guardians@wiltshirewildlife.org