Common restharrow

Common Restharrow

©Philip Precey

Common restharrow

Look for the small, pink, pea-shaped flowers of Common restharrow on chalk and limestone grasslands, and in coastal areas, during summer.

Scientific name

Ononis repens

When to see

July to September

Species information


Height: up to 70cm



Common restharrow is a low-growing, creeping plant with clusters of small, pink flowers that can be seen from July to September. It can be found on grassland, particularly chalk and limestone grassland, and in coastal areas.

How to identify

A creeping perennial, Common restharrow has leaves that are greasy to the touch and divided into three oval leaflets. It has hairy stems and clusters of small, pink, pea-like flowers.


Most common in England, especially around the coast.

Did you know?

Common restharrow has extremely tough, thick roots that spread in a dense network and, during the days of horse-drawn cultivation, could stop ('arrest') a harrow in its tracks.