Established and supported by WWT with a network of passionate volunteers for 19 years to promote the use of real nappies in Wiltshire, this trial kit loan scheme has sadly now closed. With an estimated 3 billion disposable nappies thrown away each year in the UK (a baby in disposables will need about 4,000 nappy changes in total), this scheme saved thousands from being used and binned. The Trust would like to thank all the fantastic volunteers who contributed to the network over the years.
A 2021/23 Defra Nappies Life Cycle Analysis compared the environmental impact of disposable and reusable nappies and concluded that even after factoring in washing and drying cloth nappies, the global warming potential (C02 equivalent) for disposable nappies is higher as is the overall consumption of materials used.
If you’d like to find out more about real nappies and where to access support, see the Real Nappy Information Service website and for now the Facebook Group remains Bottom Fluff of Wiltshire/Real Nappy Network Reusable Cloth Nappies