Chalkhill Blue Butterfly - Megan Shersby
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Environmental Consultancy
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust offers a range of environmental and ecological services to support nature's recovery.
The Trust's nature recovery team can assist with:
- Biodiversity Net Gain and other environmental services
- Habitat creation and enhancement
- Farm advice focused on biodiversity
- Habitat classification and condition assessments
- Botanical surveys
- The development of neighbourhood plans, GIS mapping, management plans or local strategy
Please contact Chelsie Fuge at chelsief@wiltshirewildlife.org for more information.
Chalkhill Environmental Consultants* (CEC) also offer the following services:
- Preliminary ecological appraisals (PEAs)
- Protected species surveys
- Species mitigation and licensing
Please contact chalkhill@wiltshirewildlife.org for more details.
*Established in 1991, CEC is a subsidiary company wholly owned by WWT. CEC undertakes a comprehensive range of environmental, ecological, wildlife and botanical work throughout Wiltshire and the South West, including protected species and habitat surveys for both public and private sector clients.
Our approach to Biodiversity Net Gain
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is committed to working with the Local Authority, developers and their consultants across Wiltshire and Swindon to identify strategic locations for mitigating biodiversity lost through development. Opportunities to do so are carefully evaluated on a case by case basis to identify where project delivery will contribute to the Nature Recovery Network and nature’s recovery, which is core to our objectives. We have a strategic commitment to build partnerships to increase our effectiveness and maximise the outcomes for wildlife through the planning system.
We recognise the use of the most recent Biodiversity Metric (version 4.0 as of April 2023- more info here) as being the standard tool for evaluation of losses and gains, and that this is currently the most accessible measure of equivalence. However we also appreciate that this metric may not fully reflect the added value of nature areas that contribute to landscape connectivity or social cohesion so see it as only one aspect of project validation.
As a Trust, we encourage projects to follow the mitigation hierarchy of avoid, minimise and restore. We only work with projects where this hierarchy has been rigorously followed before biodiversity offsetting is considered. If offsite mitigation is required, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust will work with developers to achieve the protection and enhancement of nature, where they commit to a minimum biodiversity net gain of 10%. This requirement is set to become law in 2023, under the new Environment Act, at which point WWT will review its position to retain a ‘gold standard’ market approach.
For further information or project proposals, please contact Chelsie Fuge (chelsief@wiltshirewildlife.org).
Bristol Avon Catchment Market
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is working as part of a groundbreaking collaboration with EnTrade and Avon Wildlife Trust to develop and deliver an online market within the Bristol Avon catchment.
The Bristol Avon Catchment Market is a world-leading approach to nature recovery that delivers verified environmental outcomes, secures a good deal for landholders for nature-based projects, and ensures value-for-money for ethical buyers of environmental services.
To find out more about opportunities for biodiversity net gain within this market, visit: https://www.bristolavoncatchmentmarket.uk