Blue Influencers
With funding from the Ernest Cook Charitable Trust, we have just embarked on a new project called Blue Influencers, aimed at empowering young people aged 10-14 to take action to look after their blue spaces (local waterways and ponds), with an 18 month focus on Salisbury and Trowbridge.
The project aims to remove barriers to accessing the outdoors, while helping young people create deep, lasting and meaningful connections to the natural environment via their local waterways by giving them a voice to make a change in their community, and for the planet.
Josh Kearse has been appointed as a Blue Mentor, leading on this project and joining a network of 22 Blue Mentors across the country.
If you are interested to learn more about this project and how you or a young person you know can get involved, please contact Josh: bluementor@wiltshirewildlife.org

The river Wylye