Blog: Insects


Three flying ants flying low above the grass

Fascinating flying ants

Sara Booth-Card, ecologist, peatlands and Action For Insects campaigner at The Wildlife Trusts, looks out for the telltale signs of flying ant days and shares her love for the underground world of…

Asian hornet

Be vigilant for Asian hornets

The Asian hornet is a threat to Wiltshire's insects. Learn more about them and what to do if you find one.

7-spot Ladybird

Lovely ladybirds

A closer look at one of the UK’s most popular beetles.

A cranefly with heavily patterned wings resting on a leaf

Long legs, short lives

Insect expert Ben Keywood from Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust takes a closer look at craneflies.

A garden butterfly count

Young Ambassador Chris Bailey took part in the Big Butterfly Count this summer. 

Elephant hawk-moth caterpillar

The elephant in the room

Late summer is the best time to discover one of the UK’s chunkiest caterpillars, the elephant hawk-moth.

China-mark moth

Mothing in Wiltshire

Robin Griffiths from Butterfly Conservation has been recording his sightings of moths for the past 50 years.

Save our wild bees

Our native wild bees are in danger. Young Ambassador Laura investigates.


An introduction to insects

There are over 24,000 species of insects, many of which are regular visitors to our own gardens.